Palm Sunday - Year C

Palm Sunday
Mar 20, 2016


Gospel: Lk 22:14—23:56 (or Lk 23:1-49)

This week’s spotlight

This Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. We remember Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. When Jesus enters the city on a donkey, the crowd waves palm branches. This was a sign of honor - it was how people welcomed a king. On Palm Sunday, we honor Jesus as our King by coming into the church for Mass with palm fronds that have been blessed by the priest.

Hosanna means "save us" in Hebrew. When Jesus enters into Jerusalem, the crowds cheer him with this word and they repeat a line from Psalm 118: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." It is a way of expressing that Jesus is the Messiah sent by God. In the Mass, these words are repeated in the Sanctus, which praises God for his holiness ("sanctus" means "holy” in Latin).


A hero unlike any other!

In the movies or the comic books, the hero is always victorious. He always has a lot of adventures: he crushes, destroys, or eliminates his enemies with a stroke of a sword, a magic wand, or a laser beam.

In the Gospels, there is also a hero: Jesus. Here he is today riding to Jerusalem on a little donkey. The joyous crowd welcomes him as their king. The people had seen him perform miracles. They thought that this man had come to free them from the Roman soldiers who occupied the country. But they were wrong. Jesus doesn't use strength or violence to make people happy, but love. He is a unique hero; he doesn't destroy; he builds. He loves mankind enough to give his life for everyone. For a lot of people, this is crazy - it doesn't make sense! But he does this to free us from death, to offer us eternal life.

Discussion questions

1. Why was Jesus arrested and brought before Pilate?
2. Did Pilate think that Jesus was guilty of a crime?
3. What did the crowd want Pilate to do with Jesus?
4. Who is Jesus crucified with?
5. What did Jesus say before he died on the cross?

Praying after Communion

After receiving Holy Communion, you can say this prayer silently to yourself. If you have not yet received your First Communion, you can still say this prayer because of your desire to receive Jesus.

Father, through Jesus, in communion with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart. As we begin this Holy Week, help us to say "Yes” to your invitation to follow your Son Jesus, who gave his life for all  people. Give us strength and grace, so that we may pass with him from death to the life which comes from you.

This week…

Straighten up your prayer corner

This coming week is very rich in sacred events. It is bringing us closer to Easter. To prepare yourself to receive the risen Christ, you can put your prayer corner in order by getting rid of everything that is cluttering it up. Remove your lenten booklet and put it away. In its place, you can arrange a small green branch in honor of Palm Sunday.

Get ready for Easter through love and forgiveness

Holy Week is a perfect time to make up with someone, and to tell those around you - your family, your friends - how much you love them. You can also ask to see a priest receive the sacrament of reconciliation. 

Crossword Puzzle

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