Book Overview - 2 Peter
The Occasion. The occasion of the epistle is found in the harm being
done to the church by false teachers, who were of two classes, the
libertines and the mockers about whom he warns.
Purpose. Its purpose was to exhort them to Christian growth and to
warn them against false teachers.
Comparison with First Peter. It has no reference to Christ's death,
suffering, resurrection and ascension. Glance through 1 Peter again to
see how often these are mentioned. The spirit manifested is one of
anxiety, severity, and denunciation, white in 1 Peter it is one of
mildness, sweetness and fatherly dignity. It connects the second
coming of Christ with the punishment of the wicked, while 1 Peter
connects it with the glorification of the saints. Its key-note is
knowledge, while that of 1 Peter is hope.
Some Teachings. (1) To be holy, not to secure an inheritance, but
because we already have it. (2) To love the brethren, not to purify
our soul, but because it is pure. (3) That we sacrifice, not as
penance, but as an expression of praise.
Introduction, 1:1-2.
I. Progress in the Christian Life, 1:3-21 end.
1. An exhortation to growth, 3-11.
2. Reasons for these exhortations, 12-21.
II. False Teachers, Ch. 2.
1. The evil teachers and their followers, 1-3.
2. Their punishment, 5-10.
3. Their character, evil ways and end, 11-32.
III. The Second Coming of Christ, 3:1-13. He will bring both blessings
and destruction.
Conclusion, 3:14-18.
For Study and Discussion. (1) What our salvation involves, 1:5-11. (2)
The characteristics of the false teachers, 2:1-3, 10, 12-14. (3) The
certain punishment of these false teachers, 2:4-6, 15, 16, 21, 22. (4)
The exhortations of the book such as to sobriety, 1:13. (5) The
predictions of the book.