Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 19, 2015


Gospel: Mk 6:30-34

The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted (1) place and rest a while.” People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place. People saw them leaving and many came to know about it. They hastened (2) there on foot from all the towns and arrived at the place before them. When he disembarked (3) and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.


The difficult words

(1) A deserted place is a peaceful place away from people; a nice place for resting.  
(2) To hasten means to hurry.
(3) To disembark means to get out of a boat.

This week’s spotlight

The Book of Jeremiah

Jeremiah was a prophet who lived about six hundred years before the birth of Jesus. The Book of Jeremiah, in the Old Testament is the story of his life and the messages he received from God. In the beginning. Jeremiah was sad, because few people were keeping the commandments of God. He was sent by God to bring them back to faith, but the people treated him badly In the end, Jeremiah announced God’s promise to make a new covenant with his people, and to write his law of love upon their hearts.

Biblical references

References make it easy to find a specific passage in a larger book. For example, "Nehemiah 8: 1-4” refers to the Book of Nehemiah, chapter 8, verses I through 4. Biblical verses are like sentences. To see if you understand, find Luke 2: 10. It should say: “The angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid’...”


It's vacation time!

Vacation is a time when we get together with family and friends, take trips, have fun, discover nature on long hikes, and forget about school for a while...
And where is God in all of this? He loves us all and does not forget about us during vacation. In fact, he never forgets about us. Vacation can be a time to become closer to him. How? By going to Mass on Sunday, of course, but also by beginning each day with a little prayer (“My God, I offer my day to you”), by thanking him each evening (“Thank you, my God, for this beautiful day”), and by praising him for the beauty of his creation. For example, when you say,“How beautiful that is!” and “Thank you, Lord!” as you admire the ocean or the countryside, you are also saying prayers! So, are you ready to spend the rest of your vacation with God?

Discussion questions

1. Whom did the disciples gathered together with?
2. What did Jesus tell them to do?
3. Why were the disciples so busy?
4. When Jesus saw the crowd following them, how did he feel?
5. Which image did Jesus think of when seeing the crowd?
6. What did he do for them?

Praying after Communion

After receiving Holy Communion, you can say this prayer silently to yourself. If you have not yet received your First Communion, you can still say this prayer because of your desire to receive Jesus.

Father, through Jesus, in communion with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart. Every Sunday you call us to come away and rest a while with you. At Mass, you feed us with your word and with the body and blood of Jesus, your Son. May the peace of this moment strengthen me throughout the week.

Crossword Puzzles

Decoder puzzles

Each number represents a letter of the alphabet. Substitute the correct letter for the numbers to reveal the coded words.

Source: -  Magnifikid -