Jesus called His first disciples (John 1: 35 - 42)

What's the question?

What can we learn from Jesus inviting his first disciples to follow him?

Kids' answers 

“We can learn from John the Baptist to tell people who Jesus really is. John had many followers himself, but he didn’t try to compete with Jesus.” Danae, 10

“Jesus invited simple fishermen to follow him. I think he did that to show us that God’s love is for everyone, not just the people who are pretty, smart or popular.” Emily, 12

“We can learn that once we learn about Jesus, we should tell others.” Anna, 10

 “Jesus wants everyone to come to him. Jesus has time for everyone and will not say ‘hurry up’ or tell them to go away because he is busy.” Rebekah, 6

“When you are being open and willing to allow people to follow you, it might make them curious,” Sarah, 11

"Andrew and Simon were just ordinary men, but God still had a plan for them. Andrew followed Jesus right away and spent all day with Him. This teaches me that I can know Jesus by following Him and spending time with Him. I can pray, worship and read the Bible to know Jesus more.

"The next thing I learned is the way Andrew told his brother Simon about Jesus being the Messiah and brought him to meet Jesus. I think Andrew wanted Simon to know Jesus because his brother was his best friend. I can tell people I love about Jesus, invite them to church." Awanas.

"The last thing this passage taught me is when we believe in Jesus as our Savior, He changes us. Jesus gave Simon a new name: Peter 'Rock.' Jesus knew who Simon was, but He also knew the great plan for who Peter would become. The Bible promises us when the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts that He makes us a new creation (II Corinthians 5:17)." Wyatt Stulac, 6

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