Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 18th, 2015.

Reading 1 (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19)

Samuel was a young boy who grew up in the Temple. His teacher was Eli. God loved Samuel very much. In this story, God calls to Samuel in his sleep. Because Samuel is not used to hearing God’s voice, he runs to Eli, thinking his teacher has called him. When this happens a third time, Eli tells Samuel to answer God by saying, "Speak, for your servant is listening." For the rest of his life Samuel listened to God. He became a great prophet among his people. God speaks to us in many ways, especially in the sacraments and through God’s word in the Bible. Sometimes God speaks to us in the beauty of nature. Often he speaks to us in the events of our lives. Most of all, God comes to us in the love and in the needs of other people.

Discussion Questions
Can you hear God’s voice today? How will you answer?

Reading 2 (1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20)

The Greek city of Corinth was a bustling seaport that was notorious in ancient times for immorality. The new Christian community there found itself surrounded on all sides by examples of all kinds of sin of body and mind. Paul reminds his readers that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us.

There are temptations in our world, just as there were in Corinth. But when we respect our bodies and use them as God teaches us, we are fully alive and free from vices that can make us slaves. Drugs, drunkenness, sexual sins—these have no place in the lives of children of God.

Discussion Questions
How do you care for your body? How can you respect your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit?

Gospel (John 1:35-42)

The reading tells us about the call of the first disciples. Followers of John the Baptist responded to the gentle invitation of Jesus; they came and stayed the whole day with him. Then these disciples called their friends to join them. One of them was Simon. Jesus told him that he would be called Peter, or Cephas, a Greek word for “rock.” One day the Church would be built on the rocklike faith of Peter.

Discussion Questions
When Jesus enters our lives with the gentle call of his grace, how will we reply? Will we be busy with other things, afraid he will ask too much of us? Or will we trust him? Will we be open to his call and a new beginning in our lives?

Question of the Week 

Jesus asked “What are you looking for?” How would you answer?