Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 25th, 2015

Reading 1 (Jonah 3:1-5,10)

God sent the prophet Jonah to the people of the pagan city of Nineveh. The people of Nineveh were doing many sinful things, and Jonah warned them of God's anger. The people listened to Jonah. They turned from their evil ways, believed in God, fasted, and did penance. Because of their change of heart, God spared them.

No matter who we are, we all need God's mercy and forgiveness. Like the people of Nineveh, we are to turn away from evil and return to God without delay.

Discussion Questions 

Who are the people in today's world that help us to turn away from sin and evil behavior? Do we always listen to the Jonahs in our lives? Why or why not? How do you sometimes help others to turn back to God and do the right thing?

How does celebrating Reconciliation show that we have had a change of heart?

In this reading Saint Paul reminds the people of Corinth that our world is not a lasting home. By this he means that Christ will come again in glory. Until he comes again, we are to do our best to live good lives and to care for the needs of others. When we do these things, we are always ready to meet Christ. Preparing for God's Kingdom should always be a top priority for Christians.

Discussion Questions 

Why is it important to live each day as a preparation for God's Kingdom? How do we do that? Who helps us to remember that Christ will come again and that no one knows the time of his coming?

Gospel (Mark 1:14-20)

Today's gospel reading recounts how Jesus calls his first disciples Simon and Andrew, James and John. His herald, John the Baptist, has been put in prison. Jesus urgently calls people to repent and believe in the good news. Like the Ninevites in the first reading, the four fishermen immediately respond to God's call. They leave their boats and their nets in order to follow Jesus right on the spot. "I will make you fishers of men," Jesus promises his new disciples. They take his words to heart and make following him their first priority in life.

Discussion Questions 

What does Jesus call his first disciples and us to do? Are there things that might prevent us from hearing Jesus' urgent call? What are they? Who or what can help us to put following Jesus first in our lives? What do you think Jesus means by the term "fishers of men"? Who do you know in your family, school, parish, or community that seems to be a fisher of men, women, or children? Explain what this person does and tell how you might try to follow this person's example.

Question of the Week
 When have you experienced the Kingdom of God?