Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

July 9, 2017


Gospel: Mt 11:25-30

At that time Jesus exclaimed: "I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to little ones. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him."

"Come to me, all you who labor (1) and are burdened (2), and I will give you rest. Take my yoke (3) upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."

The difficult words

(1)To labor means to work very hard.
(2)Burdened means overworked and tired.
(3)A yoke is a harness for an animal that works on a farm.

This week’s spotlight

The King of peace

The first reading from the prophet Zechariah foretells the coming of a great king who will put an end to wars and rule peacefully over the whole world. This prophecy is fulfilled when Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey on Palm Sunday. Through his Passion and death, Jesus makes an unbreakable peace between God and the human race. He will come again at the end of time to stop all war and violence forever.

Be a disciple of Jesus

The word "disciple" comes from a Latin word that means student. In Jesus' time, men and women followed him. They were his disciples, even if they didn't always Jesus; a disciple must be open to his teachings. A Christian, no matter what age, is a disciple. He or she listens to the word of God and puts it into practice. Being Jesus' disciple means participating in the building of the Kingdom of God.


Dive into the water!

So, it’s vacation time! Are you taking swimming lessons this summer? Even if you aren’t, you’ll probably see a swimming instructor at the pool. Swimming instructors teach the movements necessary to stay afloat in the water and to move through the water. But, as you know, you can’t learn to swim unless you get into the water and try it! The same is true of following Christ. It’s not enough to have nice thoughts about God and just stay at the side of the pool. To be a disciple means more than just knowing things about God; it means praying, keeping the commandments, and living like a true child of God. Do you know how to pray? It’s as easy as talking to the Father. All you have to do is jump in! Jesus shows us how to pray in today’s Gospel. He praises the Father for revealing his love to little ones. He also invites us to come to him.Try using his words in your own prayer.

Discussion questions

1.How does Jesus show care for his friends?
2.What does Jesus tell the others about his relationship with God the Father?
3.What comforting message does Jesus give his followers?

After receiving Holy Communion, you can say this prayer silently to yourself. If you have not yet received your First Communion, you can still say this prayer because of your desire to receive Jesus.

Father, through Jesus, in communion with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart. I want to say "yes" to your call. May the Body and Blood of Jesus help me to be a good disciple.

This week…

Read the Gospel every day

Each day this week, take time to reread the Gospel out loud.The first paragraph is a beautiful prayer to the Father; Pray this prayer with Jesus each day!

Take a little time out

Using a clock or timer; practice being very quiet and still for three full minutes. The ability to keep still and be silent is important for growing in prayer. Try it again, only this time use the three minutes to pray, or just to thank God for the beauty of creation.

Crossword Puzzle

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