Pentecost Sunday

May 15, 2016


Gospel: Jn 20:19-23

On the evening of that first day of the week (1), when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed (2) on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit (3). Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained (4).”

The difficult words

(1) The first day of the week is Sunday, and in this case, Easter Sunday.
(2) To breathe on someone was a sign of sharing with them the spirit within you. Jesus thus gives the Apostles the Holy Spirit.        
(3) The Holy Spirit empowers the Apostles to forgive sins. In the name of Jesus, they are given the power to forgive the bad things that someone has done.
(4) To retain means to keep or remember something. Hence, to retain a sin means not to forgive it.

This week’s spotlight

On the day of Pentecost, the apostles received the Holy Spirit. He freed them  from their fear and they were able to speak about Jesus. Some 3,000 people gathered all around them that day and were baptized. This first assembly of believers became the Church. Today, Christians celebrate Pentecost as the birth of the Church.

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God which Jesus promised to his apostles. It is after the death and resurrection of Jesus that the Holy Spirit was given to them. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, the apostles had the courage they needed to go out and announce the Good News: "Jesus, the one who was put to death, God has resurrected him. We are witnesses of this.” Today, the Holy Spirit is present in the heart of each man, woman, and child. We too, just like the apostles, are invited to live and to announce the marvels of God.


So I send you
In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus gives his Apostles a mission: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." God never gives a mission, however, without giving the power needed to fulfill that mission. That's why Jesus then says: "Receive the Holy Spirit." We too have received a mission and the strength to fulfill it. At our baptism we too became Apostles, sent out into the world to proclaim the Good News and to live as the children of God. The Holy Spirit is God's gift that empowers us to accomplish the mission entrusted to us. He is God's love dwelling in our hearts and helping us to love one another. God's love is so great that, even when we fail to love, his mercy and forgiveness are available through the ministry of the Church. Thank you, Father, for the Holy Spirit! Thank you, Jesus, for the forgiveness of sins!

Discussion questions
1.Why were the disciples behind locked doors?
2.What gift does Jesus give the disciples?
3.Name all the symbols for the Holy Spirit found in these readings.
4.What happens to the disciples when they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?
5.How did the Holy Spirit help the disciples?
6. How is the Holy Spirit present within us?
7.How does celebrating Pentecost help you to remember your baptism?
After receiving Holy Communion, you can say this prayer silently to yourself. If you have not yet received your First Communion, you can still say this prayer because of your desire to receive Jesus.
Father, through Jesus, in communion with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart. Father; through this communion with the body and blood of your Son, give me the gift of your Holy Spirit, your Spirit of strength and love, your Spirit of justice and courage. With his help, I will know how to spread your love to all those around me.

This week…
Calling upon the Spirit
Sit down comfortably in your prayer corner and say your morning and evening prayers to the Holy Spirit. Ask him to pour his love upon you. Also call upon the Spirit to help you share his love with all the people you meet.

Be a good observer
On a piece of paper that you will keep in your prayer corner; write down the names of five people (your parents, your brothers and sisters, your friends). This week, for each of these people, write down a quality or gift from God which makes them particularly special to you. 

Crossword Puzzle

Source: -  Magnifikid - www.sermons4kids.com -